Thursday, May 26, 2011


I honestly cant remember what happened this month.. sad. Grant and I both worked and continued to figure this married thing out. I think we maybe had our first argument this month.. who knows what it was about but  im sure it was my doing! It usually is. ok well that was easy and I am now upset with myself for not keeping up. I am sure something of significance happened this March but I dont know what. My dads birthday was in march and he is 57! What a great dad I have. He STILL works harder then anyone I know and has a great attitude. I honestly have never heard him once complain about working. Once when I was dating someone my parents didnt like... wont mention names! he said that his major concern is how hard of worker he was. He remembered when him and my mom had just gotten married and he didnt know how he could possible make ends meet. So at night he couldnt sleep because he was stressed and so instead he would go back to work. He worked day and night so that my mom would be taken care of. He is a great example to my whole family and we all love him so much! I am so lucky to have him for a dad! And did i mentoin his joke telling? well he cant tell a joke without laughing so hard he is crying before he gets through the first two sentences.. so basically we just laugh at him! Great guy I tell ya!

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